Would you like to move with ease and freedom?

Ask yourself,

Have you been feeling pain and discomfort for some time?

Have you tried different kinds of solutions, but in the end they weren't effective?

Maybe, NOW it's time to do something different.


Hello! I'm Silvia Finzi.

I'm a movement specialist, creator of Movement Explorations, certified Feldenkrais® Method Practitioner based in Little Bay, Sydney and I'm here to help you feel better.

Movement is a big factor that improves our everyday lives. When we learn to master our quality of movement our quality of life improves.

How powerful is that?

Over the years our mobility, balance and flexibility start to decline. This stops us from doing what we love in our everyday lives.

I am here to teach you that there is always a way to prevent further decline and even improve. You will learn how to move with ease, as well as how to take care of yourself.

How can I help you?


Do you sit for long hours?

Many hours in front of the computer creates posture issues and fixed habits. Head, neck and shoulders become stiff.

Being in a sitting position for long periods may create hip joint issues. Studies reveal that most back and hip joint problems are related to long hours spent in a sitting position.

There are ways to address these issues, you just need to know how to do it.



Do you feel stress while driving?

Do you find dificult to look behind you or check your blind spot while driving?

Safe driving not only relies on the agility of the neck but  other parts of your body as well . You can you improve the flexibility in your head, neck and shoulders by engaging your spine and hips.

Driving with freedom and ease is possible if you know how to do it.


Do you suffer any kind of pain?

Sometimes physical pain happens as a result of bad habits.

Problematic habits in walking, standing, sitting, and breathing can be reviewed and improved.

Connecting with yourself by moving with attention is a good way to access the different dimensions of human physical and mental well-being.

Do you find yourself avoiding daily tasks because of recurrent pain?

How many options have you tried that didn't solve your problem?

How much time and money did you invest in yourself without achieving long-lasting results?


How can you be proactive for your own personal wellbeing?

Sometimes we think we need complicated and expensive treatments to feel better about ourselves. Still, these treatments don't last as long because we are not taught to understand the nature of the problem.
We asked for help, and some of the answers were, in the end, short term solutions. It's common knowledge that painkillers are useful to treat acute pain, however, they aren't effective if taken for long periods of time.
Are you ready to be more proactive and part of the solution in your wellbeing?

You CAN!


Good news there is a solution for you!

If your pain or discomfort is caused by old patterns and inefficient movements, I can help you.

The Feldenkrais® Method (Feldenkrais) is a universal method for improving human life through better movement, sensation, posture and breathing.

From early childhood to advanced age, thousands of people use Feldenkrais every day to address their problems and reach their fullest potential.

Neuroplasticity is central to the effectiveness of the Feldenkrais Method.

With simple and gentle movements you start to understand how you do what you do.

In a journey of curious investigations through movement, you'll start to learn new options and possibilities. By practising the Method you start to discover new ways to be and move in the world.

It's a non-judgemental approach, there is no right or wrong way to move. You'll discover by yourself which moves are best for you and with time these can change, depending on the stage of your learning process.



How do you know if this is the right approach for you?

Let yourself be the explorer, discover yourself from a new perspective.

Hundreds of thousands of people around the world are already enjoying regaining their physical functions and enjoying their loved activities again.

If you want to be one of them, my recommendation is to take some initial classes and see how your body responds to the Method.  It could either be the choice for you or not; you won't lose anything because learning new things is always good for the brain.


Awareness Through Movement® (ATM) 


ATM® refers to group lessons. Verbal instructions will guide you to explore different possibilities of movements in a unique way.

You'll develop the skill to move with ease and freedom in a very gentle way. The first thing to remember when having a lesson is that you're the boss. You will learn to take care of yourself and listen to your body.

Learn More ...

Functional Integration® (F.I)

The Functional Integration session consists of the practitioner working one-on-one with the student using a hands-on approach.

During the session, your nervous system calms through the touch and gentle movements and reduces excess tension from your body's muscles.

After the session, you may experience a sense of lightness in your body and feel more connected with yourself.

Learn More ...


Emanuel Lieberfreund
Emanuel Lieberfreund
Professional flautist, saxophonist and percussionist


"Silvia provided wonderful insights into how the Feldenkrais method’s core principle of relaxed physical attention and curiosity can be applied to playing music and to life in general. Her gentle and clear presence made her class a delight."

Paula Canals Smith

"I experienced the lessons as coming "home". That house is our body the one once its architecture remained intact. In addition to the pleasure and joy of returning to the wisdom of movement. Thanks to the work, I was able to heal a shoulder pain that was limiting me."

"The saying goes "The flapping of a butterfly in Australia causes a tsunami in Japan." Well, that's what she does."


Nathalie Paul

Nathalie Paul-Ecstatic Dance Teacher

"I have experienced Silvia's teachings, and I drifted very quickly to a state of relaxation during the session. Silvia is excellent, passionate and deeply caring. What she teaches goes hand in hand with the way I treat my body. Thanks so much for what you offer!"

Move Better to Feel Better

Every human being has the right to improve their quality of life and you can be one of them. 


With regular practice, you can achieve

  • Better coordination
  • Better balance
  • Improved posture
  • Less tension
  • Breathing awareness
  • Confidence
  • Vitality
  • Playfulness
  • Freedom
  • Graceful movements

How attainable is the life you want to live?  You have the right to claim freedom and ease of movement in your daily life.  It's all about having the willingness to do it and an open mind.

Join the Move Better & Feel Better revolution. It's worth it!


Discover About the Method and my teaching

You can try your first audio lesson for free. How does it work? Just listen and follow the instructions. It's easy to engage, you don't need to copy or follow anyone else's movements.

Need help?
Book a call at a time to suit you

Give me a 15' call, we can discuss your case. I'm here to help you!